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My SSH Key

In the interest of integrity, here is my public ssh key. This is the key I use to sign all of my commits. If any project purports to be from me, and is not signed by this key, there is a strong chance it is disingenuous.


ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII0YkBVeeBhoCm/+6mCteO7Ikv528ZDmg/tYtWc6O1qP




If you're cloning a project off a major git platform, you can check that the latest commit states "Verified" or "Signed". Then you can check that my key fingerprint matches with the one above.

If you've gotten ahold of source code some other way, run git verify-commit HEAD to ensure that the latest commit has been signed.


git verify-commit HEAD

Good "git" signature for with ED25519 key SHA256:9Dq4ppxhfAjbX+7HLXEt+ROMiIojI6kqQgUyFUJb9lI

Website repo

This link directs to my website's source code. You can check that the latest commits are signed with my key.